Building Strength, Mobility, and Durability- without obsessing about the scale

Kettlebell Strong

You'll build strength, move with ease, and feel GOOD using KB's or DB's and your body.  Learning new things, refining the old, and moving in all the ways

Zero diet talk

A fitness program that doesn't involve counting of anything but reps, and recognizes that your relationship with food is just as important as what you eat

LIVE Workouts and Coaching

Join the LIVE workout at the start of each new workout and get feedback instantly or schedule a one on one call each month for support in anything you're working on

A Community of Support

A private online group of like minded people who use fitness to make their lives bigger, not smaller- and a whole lot of coaching from me

Calling all folks who strength train to improve how you live and play- and who are done with workouts that promise a six pack instead of  exercise that helps you live a life without pain and full of ease.


*Do you like kettlebells but aren't sure what to do with them, or wonder if you're using them safely?

*Do you piece together your workouts from Instagram and YouTube, or  make them up as you go along? 

*Do you wonder what the point is of the exercises you’re doing?

 *Do you know if they build strength or help you move better- or both?

  *Do you want to see more from your workouts than just promises of a ‘better booty’? 

 *Do you feel unsure that all the effort you're putting in is worth it?

Does this sound familiar?


*The shoulder press you’re doing in your YouTube workout hurts, and you don’t know if you should even be doing it- or what else you could do instead.

 *You’ve tried free 14 day challenges that promise big strength gains and deliver a tweak in your knee- and not much else.

 *You’re not moving better or feeling stronger like you thought you would when you started exercising. 

 *You’re not sure you’re even doing the exercises right. 

 *You feel bombarded by all the different workouts out there, wondering what really works and which one really fits YOU.

 *You want to feel supported in getting healthy- without a focus on aesthetics.   You know that you can build strength in any size body- and you’re done with fitness programs that make you feel otherwise.  

 *You want flexibility with your workouts to do them when you want, and have options to make them more or less challenging depending on how woke up today.  You want choices so you don’t have to stay stuck in the all-or-nothing rollercoaster when it comes to your fitness.


Up until now, you've done countless free challenges, endless YouTube workouts, and even tried to put together a program yourself.  You were getting sweaty!  But after doing this for a while, it always leaves you feeling the same way:

What if you did something different this time with your fitness routine this time?


Imagine knowing that your program could meet you where you’re at, honoring your body while challenging it so that you can continue to build strength.  


Imagine having purpose to your workouts beside just chasing sweat, but rather exercising with intention so that you’re getting stronger while preventing those random strains and pulls that normally leave you sidelined for days.


Imagine if your workout program gave you options for your workouts for days when you had a rough night of sleep and your stress level was through the roof.


Imagine having a coach and a community to provide accountability and support without diet culture all up in your face every step of the way.

It's not just workouts here.


The KB Collaborative is the only kettlebell program that helps you build strength and move with ease, with support from an expert and a community that uses fitness as a way to build you up, not make you smaller.


It’s a training program and community  that teaches you how to build fitness without the bullshit that diet culture sells. 

Here, we look at exercise from a place of enjoyment, sustainability, and doability.  Where you get support to move in a way that’s challenging- but also honors where you’re at today.  

It’s a training program and community* that breaks down stereotypes of what fitness is, what health looks like, and has a big library that teaches meaningful and helpful concepts (what is Progressive Overload?  Why should we train barefoot? How does your diet affect your training?).

Why join the Collaborative?


*It will answer all your questions about how to safely swing a bell that you didn’t learn from that Instagram workout, what to do if your knees hurt when you squat, and how to finally do a proper pushup- with all the variations of them.


*It will provide you support as you continue to disengage from the harmful way fitness has been sold, and will hold you up when your coworker tries to get you to do her ‘6 weeks to 6 pack abs’ workout.   


*It will give you your TIME back.

Time spent trying to pick what workout you should do off of YouTube, time spent doing exercises that aren’t helpful to your goals, time spent exercising MORE because you’ve been told you should.


*It will give you your ENERGY back.

Energy spent on workouts that leave you drained.  Energy spent on thinking about what exercises to do when in what order.  Energy spent on trying to fit all the things you ‘need’ into your valuable workout time.

What's inside the Collaborative?

The Kettlebell Collaborative is a monthly membership health and fitness program.  


**We’ll work on a specific 6 week workout that progresses each week (because workout hopping is completely ineffective). 

You’ll get a warmup, strength workout, and cooldown and a schedule suggestion (because YOU”RE the boss of your own schedule).  You’ll get to actually SEE and FEEL what progress in your strength and movement is.



**You’ll also get a follow along weekly 10 minute mobility session- likely a missing piece in your current fitness routine.

These videos are specifically focused on getting you to move in all sorts of ways with just your bodyweight.  It’s this work that keeps you moving with ease and freedom from those random aches and pains you can’t seem to get rid of.   



**Access to a private online community (similar to a Facebook group- but without all the nonsense of FB itself) to answer all those questions you have that come up when you’re working out on your own.

Am I doing this right?  Is it supposed to feel like this?  What if I can’t do this exercise? Does anyone else hate pushups as much as I do? Why am I doing this??? You get my feedback and support, and you get to share those wins and complaints with like minded folks.


**A one on one check in call- via zoom every month.

If you need extra support outside of messaging and videos in our training app- or have questions or thoughts that are easier to ask then type- book yourself a call.


**Four LIVE workouts via zoom each training block. 

We’ll start each new workout with a live once-over.  We’ll do it together, as a group. You’ll ask all the questions and get them answered right then and there. I’ll be able to give you form tips and suggestions on the spot.



**Can’t make it to the live sessions?

No problem- it will be uploaded to a page in your True Coach account (more on that in a second) for you to watch on your own time. And then post in the group or message me privately with whatever questions that come up!  



**All of the workouts are delivered via a free-to-you app called TrueCoach.

Each workout has video & written descriptions so that you’ll always know exactly what to do. All members of the KB Collaborative will be able to upload videos into the app for form checks, so that you can get professional feedback about your movements to make sure you’re maximizing your effectiveness by moving correctly. 


** A library of Deep Dives.

There’s so much misinformation out there when it comes to fitness and your health- it can be overwhelming trying to figure out what’s true and what’s not. Here’s where I come in :-).  In a series of previously recorded zooms and webinars, I break down misconceptions and share all the best practices when it comes to your health.  We’ll talk about everything from the diet industry’s influence on the latest fitness crazes and why that’s a problem for everyone, to the benefits of barefoot training and how to get started if you’ve been wearing padded shoes your whole life. 


Are you ready to join?



 You get live classes,the workouts, the support, the  education library, the community- all for just $107/month.




Hey there, I'm Gretchen, your coach. 

I became a fitness trainer 20 years ago- AFTER recovering from a decade of eating disorders.  Still having the diet mentality, the beginnings of my career looked like training clients for weight loss, exercising myself to chase sweat, and believing that health was found within the scale.

Fast forward to lots of life and client experiences, and a whole lot of education regarding what health ACTUALLY is- I now know how to use exercise and fitness to IMPROVE your quality of life. I’ve earned many fitness certifications over the years- from Pre and Post Partum to Sports Specific and Orthopedic Exercise Specializations to MMA Conditioning.  But the focus of my education over the past 5 years has reflected my movement and diet philosophies: I’m a certified Animal Flow and KB Instructor from both NETA and Kettlebell Kings, and I recently became a Certified Intuitive Eating Facilitator to help support my clients divest from diet culture even further.

The KB Collab is right for you if...


*You’re done guessing if the workouts you’re putting together are ‘working’

*You like kettlebells, but aren’t sure if you’re getting the most out of them

*You want the whole thing- strength work, mobility work, and a plan to make the most out of your workout time

*You want your workouts to be challenging, but also have options for when you slept like shit or your knee is acting up again

*You’re tired of other programs that focus on aesthetics instead of making you feel better in your body

Here’s why you need the Collaborative today…


  • Starting and stopping a new fitness program every month prevents you from making fitness a sustainable and health promoting habit that fits into your life


  • You deserve your time and energy back from piecing together random workouts that left you tired but without feeling like you’re actually getting stronger or moving with less aches


  • Being in a community that focuses on movement outside of what the weight loss industry sells you is a rarity that you deserve



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