The Kettlebell Eccentric Swing- benefits and details.


All swing variations are ballistic moves- meaning they use multiple muscles and joints to both generate power and absorb it. 

In a traditional Russian KB Swing, power is generated from the back body to get the bell up to a weightless position, and then the power is absorbed in the downswing.

With the eccentric swing, it becomes both a ballistic and plyometric move, in part because we don't allow the bell to reach weightlessness. 

We build even more power by sending the bell down with force at the top of the swing.  This movement mimics the effects of a plyometric jump, where we absorb power when we land on our feet.  In this type of swing, we're absorbing the shock of the bell when it's at the top.  The more power we use to push the bell down, the greater the plyometric effect.  

This is a fun variation with lots of gains- but comfort and confidence with a traditional KB swing is required before trying this variation.

Here's the details of how to do it- enjoy!

VIDEO STARTS WITH 2 REPS OF A REGULAR DOUBLE HANDED SWING, THEN TRANSITIONS INTO INCREASINGLY POWERFUL ECCENTRIC SWINGS... Lots of the same form cues as the regular swing: roll shoulders back and down, core engaged, hinge at the hips with soft knees to grab the handle of the bell. From there, swing it high between your legs, maintaining a flat back. Using the power of your entire backside, swing the bell out front- but do not allow the bell to float at the top as you would in a regular swing. In this version, as soon as it hits the top, immediately send the bell down, with force. Play with keeping elbows in if it allows you to generate more power to send the bell down.


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