What makes my group program different.


 Of course I’m coaching to make sure everything feels safe and right for each of my people during these sessions…

But I also love when a kid joins us to (Hiiii O!), or when a pet walks right in front of the camera and then plops down in the middle of their owners mat.

Being a coach is a human experience, one that involves supporting clients in their lives outside of their weekly workouts.

Because fitness doesn’t happen inside a vacuum. And life can be one big barrier to fitness if you don’t have the tools and support to make it work for you.

I’m opening up applications early this time around- December 19th. They’ll stay open until the 30th. New members will have an easy intro week- you’ll be assigned a FOUNDATIONAL MOVEMENT PATTERN workout, and you’ll have time to read through all the things and get familiar with program. First live workout of 2023 will be on January 9th at 9am PT.


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