Want to Improve your Push Up?


Focus on the eccentric part of the move.

Eccentric training emphasizes the lowering phase of an exercise...

Like the descent of a squat, the lowering of a bicep curl, or the downward portion of a push up.

This part of an exercises creates less fatigue then the concentric phase, and working here allows you to produce greater force and strength, more muscle mass, and makes all parts of an exercise easier.

This lovely eccentric tricep pushup is on the Collaboratives program this month.

Wanna try?  We’re going down for a slow count of five.

Engage your abdominals, glutes, and push into the floor with your chin slightly tucked.

Pick your starting position-the one that will allow you to lower with control for a slow count of five.

So both knees down, alternating one knee up (really engage that glute on the extended leg), or from full plank.

Corkscrew those hands into the floor and skim your ribcage as you lower, keeping elbows in close.

Adjust your reps accordingly- and get all the shoulder and tricep stretches in after.




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