There's a better question to ask than...

It's this:

How many days can you commit to?

Then adjust your expectations accordingly.

Something you’ll always hear me talk about is reps on reps.

You get good at doing the thing by doing the thing.  Repetition and consistency is the key to building strength, to being able to move with less restrictions and achiness, and to see measurable change.


Real life will tell you that there will be times when you can give lots of time to your training… and then times when you’re lucky if you lift one day a week.

That’s how life goes (and thankfully, you’ve got all of it to do this fitness thing).

You won’t always be living  ‘best case scenario’, where you can train 2-3 times a week.  And get the results that consistency like that will bring you.

When you can get in a session a week (or less)?  Accept that you won’t be progressing the same- and really, truly know that that’s fine.

And just part of the process.

Because learning to roll with what place you are in the moment you’re in it is part of the magic sauce that makes exercise a sustainable part of your life.


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