Be ok with workouts that suck.


There are very valid reasons to do the bare minimum.

The list of reasons why you might want to go easy is long.

Here's just a few:

Not great sleep, haven’t worked out in a while, still sore from your last workout, too stressed to focus- even just a low energy day.

Not the best conditions for sure.  And if you’re feeling off, you’re putting yourself at risk or injury if you push too hard.

On those days- just commit to the warm up, or 10 minutes, or one set.  You may feel like doing more, you may not, but by doing something, you’re shifting both your mind and body to a consistent routine.

Which will always be more important than crushing your workout.

All the benefits of strength training come with doing it consistently, over a long period of time.

So challenge yourself when those days (or weeks or months) call for it, and then cut back when you need it.



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