Comparing Kettlebells, Dumbbells, and Barbells

Let's first talk about KB's vs DB's...

The first obvious difference is the shape- dumbbells have an even displacement of weight, while the weight in KB's is and imbalanced (just like most things you pick up in life).

The offset nature of the bell improves not just your grip strength, but holding one turns on all those stabilizer muscles to keep it centered in your hand as you move.

This is a BIG factor in how many muscles get recruited when doing any exercise...said another way: more bang for your buck.

You can do just about every dumbbell exercise with a KB, but trying to do kettlebell exercises with a DB isn't as easy.

Switching from a power building move- like a swing- into a strength based move-- like a press- is pretty seamless with a KB- and adds a whole other aspect of strength building.


 And now, KB's vs Barbells. 

 The shape of the barbell creates a stable and fixed position- two hands and equal weight distribution- which pre-determines the path you move. Definitely some pros to this- like a solid place to go heavier. But this positioning limits your range of motion that you just might need.

  What if that path doesn't work for say, your shoulders pressing overhead?

 Or what if you're less mobile on one side than the other? 

 That's going to greatly interfere with what you're able to do- how well and how much you can press.

With kettlebells (and dumbbells as well), you have some wiggle room. 

Because you have just one hand on a bell, it allows for your shoulders to work independently- and follow a more natural path overhead (like you would press for most things- because in life we aren’t usually pressing a fixed bar with equal weight). 


Some other reasons why Kettlebells are such a fantastic training tool...

They offer endless variety.

You can press a bell in many directions, or squat holding weight on just one side of your body, or clean a bell with one hand and from a side facing position.

 You only need one or two bells for a full workout.

A heavy one for swinging, and a lighter one for pressing.  Can you work with more?  Of course- but you don't have to.

 You can take those bells anywhere. 

 Want to workout outside?  It's an easy move to wherever you want to go- and fit in your car well. 

Using a tool that provides a variety of ways to not only build strength and mobility- but one that can work your whole body with a couple of pieces and can be moved easily- is key to making exercise a sustainable part of your life.



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