How looking deeper will improve your health.

Since I know many of you are/will be dealing with a house full of candy- maybe for the only time this year- I thought it’d be a good time to talk about this.

First, it's important to note that the biggest predictor of binge eating is restriction. 

Second, no matter where you are on your path of having a healthier relationship with food, there's no morality in eating the whole bag (or more).  

AND there's likely a reason (especially if you're in camp only-once-a-year).  

Sometimes there's more to it- not just restriction, but lack of enough food during the day or week, high stress levels, not enough sleep, etc.

And sometimes, we just want it all and eating the whole thing is a conscious choice.

The thing that make both situations neutral is AWARENESS.  

Binging gives us an opportunity to look at the self care pieces we might have missed (like eating enough, sleeping enough, keeping stress levels in check).  

And figure out what we needed in that moment instead (sometimes it's just eating the thing, other times it's a nap, a call to a friend, a walk).

Binging on food isn't always a bad thing.

But never questioning what lead to it is where we lose sight of the place food should have in our lives ❤️


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