Is your strength training doing enough for your mobility?

Strength training is mobility training.


For many of us, adding some extra attention to an area that needs it- spine, hips, ankles- makes a HUGE difference in how they live their lives.

Here's some things to ask yourself ...

Do you have a job where you sit much of your day (bonus points if you've got a long commute to get there)?

Do you notice stiffness in a particular area that doesn't get better with just stretching?

Do you notice limits in your ranges of motion? Like you can't straighten your leg all the way, your heels come up off the floor when you squat, crossing your legs when sitting feels hard or impossible?

Is it challenging to get up and down from the floor from any position?

Do you struggle to find a comfortable sitting position once you get there?

Have you had to see a physical therapist and was told to incorporate more ranges of motion in to your fitness routine?

If you answered yes to any of these, it's worth exploring how adding just a few sessions specific to your needs could improve how you move and feel.

It can be the difference between having nagging hip pain- that directly impacts how you walk which directly impacts where you compensate which directly impacts where else feel pain- and not having any of that.

Something I have personal experience with myself. Years of 2-3 short weekly mobility sessions have made the most difference in hip pain from a car accident over 20 years ago.

It can also be the difference between feeling confident you can handle falls or random movements in weird positions, or constantly worrying you’re going to hurt your shoulder or pull a muscle in your back again.

My group program The Kettlebell Collaborative has a library of 10 minute mobility sessions- in addition to our strength training program- for those who need something more for a specific area of their body.

It’s also a great way to just move when you’ve got low energy or short time.

Doors open several times through the year for new members.  



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