Take the picture.

I recently came across this pic from December 11 years ago, and it made me sad.

Sad because it’s probably 1 of maybe 3 pictures of me pregnant- and I don’t think I have a single one from my first pregnancy with my daughter.

Sad because I focused so much more on what I DIDN’T like about my body back then, instead of what it was amazingly and incredibly creating.

Sad because although I didn’t enjoy being pregnant (like AT ALL), it was a really special time for my husband and I. Especially that first pregnancy that was a struggle to create, when it was just us and we had no idea how our lives would change.

Sad because the woman behind the camera is gone now, and although I have so many pics of her and her grandbabies, I have so few of her and I during these times.  Of the memories of how much she loved both me and these kids, from the very moment they were created.

All that to say...


Take the pic.


Body image messes with you, makes you believe that it’s your body that’s the problem, that changing it will be the magic pill to love yourself.

When the truth is, no physical change will help you discover how valuable you presence in this world is, how worthy you are.

And it just might prevent you from preserving memories you’ll really wish you had. 



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