Weight is not a behavior.

Or is it because we live in a society that is deeply rooted in anti-fat bias? A post for another day…

I’ve said it before and you know I’ll say it again: weight loss (or gain) is not a behavior, it is an outcome. For a large variety of reasons- that is ALSO for another day.

So often, weighing less is given credit for a whole lot of things it shouldn’t be given- like our health, our importance in society, our happiness.

So before you feel a way after hearing someone’s ‘successful’ weight loss story (reminder that you have no idea how they really achieved said weight loss), consider that there are things you can do that will make you feel better too.

Get more sleep. Eat nutrient dense foods and get exercise if you have the access and privilege. Get outside more. Connect with friends. See a therapist.

And remember that weight loss doesn’t have to be a part of that equation in order for you to feel better.


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