What does non diet fitness coaching look like?

If you've ever wondered what kind of experience an anti diet fitness coach provides, I got you.

When we work together, I do:

✅ Meet you right where you’re at, and build programs that are progressive, challenging, and specific to your goals and needs
✅ Support your development of a regular exercise routine, but also honoring the rest you need
✅ Break down your ‘why’ for exercising and get clear on the way diet culture has shaped your relationship with movement
✅Check in via text and phone each week to dig deeper on ANY issue shared that’s affecting your health
✅Provide feedback on form and proper exercise technique
✅Give you support in gentle nutrition if you need it (what’s what when it comes to fat, fiber, protein-education without rules)
✅Support your journey with Intuitive Eating

Things I DON’T do when we work together:

🚫Take measurements, weight, or ask for before or after pics
🚫Put you on a meal ‘plan’ or ‘program’
🚫Teach you hacks to eat less or curb hunger with anything other than food
🚫Give you a generic workout plan that does little more than get you sweaty
🚫Equate weight loss or gain with health
🚫Leave you not knowing why you’re doing the exercises you’re doing

I’m an anti-diet fitness trainer- that does NOT mean I’m anti PEOPLE who diet. It’s the system I have a problem with- not the humans who are influenced by it.
In fact, many of my clients are either on one or have tried many before they come to me. They’re just ready to get off the diet train and need support.

Email me at [email protected] if this sounds like what you need.


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