What does weighing yourself do for you?

Your weight can fluctuate from 5-8 pounds EVERY DAY for just some of these reasons:

🔸Your body retains water after a workout to help repair muscle damage

🔸For every one gram of carbs you eat for energy, a lower risk of cardiac diseases and production of healthy gut bacteria (among other things), you retain 3 grams of water

🔸The medicine you take that makes your life infinitely better may cause you to either retain water OR change how your body absorbs and stores glucose

When you drink an excessive amount of alcohol, you weigh less- since alcohol is a diuretic- until your body starts retaining water from the foods and drinks you consumed in your drunken state

For many of of us, stepping on the scale works to reinforce the idea that we can and SHOULD have control over that number.

And so often that number determines not only how our day goes, but how we feel about ourselves, our value.

Whatever your relationship is with your scale, it’s always worth asking yourself if using it to ‘check in’ is REALLY checking in with your ‘health’….or is it just complicating how you feel about it.


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