When you don't diet, your cravings look different.

There’s so much noise when it comes to what we should eat, how to move, what it means to be ‘healthy’.

Most of it just blocks your body’s internal signals, its’ innate awareness of what makes you feel good and what doesn’t.

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again…

No one feels good eating pizza all the damn time.

But the diet industry makes you think that if you allow yourself to eat how you want, you’ll do is eat pizza all the damn time.


Yes, there’s a process to undoing what diet culture has taught us for our entire lives. 

And it might take a long curvy road to get there.

But getting to the other side means a healthier and more enjoyable life than letting the scale determine your next meal.


(This post does not reflect the needs of those humans who follow a diet for diagnosed medical conditions)


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