You still need to eat.

There are so many reasons you might not feel hungry.

Sickness and stress are two big ones...

If you're a parent, you might be familiar with this conversation.  

When your kid is home sick, there's a good chance you talk to them about needing to eat even if they don't feel like they want to.

Because you know that we need food to heal, to grow, to fight illnesses and infuse ourselves with energy.

And although we freely give out this advice to our young ones, our friends- we're less likely to heed our own advice.

In light of the current state of medications meant for a medical condition being prescribed for weight loss, I've been thinking a lot about the feeling of hunger.

And how many reasons we might not feel hunger are directly related to the diet industry.

Much like people who don't feel hungry after bariatric surgery, people taking weight loss drugs face a possible similar fate; not being able to nourish themselves properly.

And potential malnutrition and illnesses that come with that.

Dieting alone makes it really difficult to recognize your own hunger and fullness cues, as you're asked to ignore them and follow a specific set of rules or plan. 

So next time you yourself realizing that it's 12pm and all you've had was coffee, remember the advice you'd give your loved ones.  Take time to eat meals and snacks, when you're feeling good and when you're sick.  Because your body needs you to.


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