Exercising to exhaustion isn't a sign of a good workout.


Water and food.  You need plenty of both to swing and lift heavy shit.

If you have to drag yourself off the floor after your workout, there’s a good chance you need to be better hydrated and energized (in the form of calories).

Yes, there’s a number of other reasons why a workout would be tough- from sleep to stress and all things in between.

But water and food?  A great place to start.

And in my nearly two decades as a coach, it’s one of the most common reasons I see.

Sometimes the simplest answer is the right one.

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When you feel like the only one not on a diet...

Friend and family can be the worst offenders when you’re done with diets and want support.


If I had a dime for every person who told me about their loved ones who ‘didn’t get’ them not dieting anymore, well…I’d have a LOT of dimes.


The casual way in which people share their diet tricks and offhand comments about how ‘bad’ they were for eating the brownies last night can be overwhelming sometimes.


And can make you feel like you’re the only one who isn’t avoiding gluten or carbs. 


Diet culture and the ‘wellness’ industry is LOUD.  And EVERYWHERE.  And no one is unaffected by it. 


Not even those closest to you.


Some ways to offset these messages?


Diversify your social media feed.  Do you see people of all shapes & sizes doing the things, or is your view of health on your screen presented by mostly thin, white humans?  No judgement;...

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