Your legs shaking during a squat doesn't mean it's 'working'.


The idea that you need to be working to a certain pain point is rooted in targeted body shaping workouts- something that has been disproved time and time again.

But the fitness industry continues to sell programs based on achieving a certain body shape anyway.

So let’s get clear on why you could feel sore after a workout:

✅ You’re doing something new
✅ You’ve increased your weight/reps/sets
✅ You haven’t done that particular movement in a while
✅ You’re overtraining

Soreness, shaking, that burning feeling- it happens.

But the goal of strength training is to ADAPT to the exercises you’re doing, not throw something new at your muscles every workout.This is, in part, the concept of Progressive Overload- a training principle with actual science behind it.

To get good at something you need to do it time and time again- and building muscle is no different.

The Kettlebell Collaborative is a progressive, intentional fitness program that not only allows you to build strength and mobility in a safe and intentional way, but does so by being rooted in science and NOT in diet and fitness marketing.

Registration opens several times through the year. 


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