Fitness marketing rarely matches with actual science.

The idea that you can change the length of muscles is a myth.

 They have a point of origin and a point of attachment, attached to bones by tendons.  These are fixed points.  

 Unless you undergo specific limb lengthening surgery, you’re stuck with the length of the muscles you’ve got.

 When it comes to spot reducing, research continues to confirm that this isn’t a thing.  You have no control over where you gain or lose pounds.

 You can’t change your DNA, how big or small your frame is, the structure of your frame, where your body holds weight and doesn’t, or whether you’ll ever have visible abs even if you do thousands of sit ups a day.

 Listen, it’s 1,000% up to you if you choose to pursue weight loss (and you can guess I’m not the coach for you if that’s your goal).

 I just want you to have all the information, so much of which is left out of the conversation, or just inaccurate. 

 The industry not only conflates weight with health, but tells you these things are completely in your control, which isn’t true (if you’re new here, welcome!  And please take a moment to read through my feed if you’re interested in learning more about why this is so).

If you love your classes or workouts that promise to lengthen your muscles- or your booty boost workouts (lol, I made that one up)- then keep doing you!  Just know that you’re probably not gonna get the results that were sold to you.


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