Having a six pack doesn't say much about your strength.


If anything you might be LESS strong for having them…

For most of us, to maintain one means to keep your calorie count very low- and that’s leaves you with little energy to expend.

Being thin doesn’t mean you can squat without pain, or have strength to pull up flooring and drywall for hours if say, your house floods unexpectedly.

Listen, I get why body goals are a thing.

We all know society values thinness- and looking a certain way means you’re treated a certain way (a whole topic for another day). 


If your entire reason for exercise is to get ready for swimsuit season- to burn off your calories and put your body into a ‘shape’- you’re missing out on the real value of the work you’re putting in.

And you’re confusing what a body looks like with what it’s capable of.

If you want to know what it’s like to work with a coach who knows the difference, I’ve got spots open for one on one coaching....

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Fitness marketing rarely matches with actual science.

The idea that you can change the length of muscles is a myth.

 They have a point of origin and a point of attachment, attached to bones by tendons.  These are fixed points.  

 Unless you undergo specific limb lengthening surgery, you’re stuck with the length of the muscles you’ve got.

 When it comes to spot reducing, research continues to confirm that this isn’t a thing.  You have no control over where you gain or lose pounds.

 You can’t change your DNA, how big or small your frame is, the structure of your frame, where your body holds weight and doesn’t, or whether you’ll ever have visible abs even if you do thousands of sit ups a day.

 Listen, it’s 1,000% up to you if you choose to pursue weight loss (and you can guess I’m not the coach for you if that’s your goal).

 I just want you to have all the information, so much of which is left out of the conversation, or just...

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