A peek inside the KB Collabs program.


The current 4 month block that my group folks are working through is focused on both POWER and BALANCE.

We're in the first month- and we starting off strong as we always do.

Because even though this is a non diet training program, that doesn't means we don't train hard. 

It's just our focus is different.  

We honor not just our food needs and desires, but our energy and mental health needs.

All without focusing on aesthetics or changing the magic that is our unique selves.

And we always have a purpose and a goal.

It just doesn't have anything to do with how we look, and everything to do with how we feel.


DOORS OPEN AGAIN IN MAY 2023.  QUESTIONS? Email me at: [email protected]


Sharing a swing variation- 2 of 3 that we worked on this month- that builds power, strength, and works on balance.

The second variation that you see adds some glute and quad strength, while opening up that hip and increasing range of motion in your ankles.


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Having a six pack doesn't say much about your strength.


If anything you might be LESS strong for having them…

For most of us, to maintain one means to keep your calorie count very low- and that’s leaves you with little energy to expend.

Being thin doesn’t mean you can squat without pain, or have strength to pull up flooring and drywall for hours if say, your house floods unexpectedly.

Listen, I get why body goals are a thing.

We all know society values thinness- and looking a certain way means you’re treated a certain way (a whole topic for another day). 


If your entire reason for exercise is to get ready for swimsuit season- to burn off your calories and put your body into a ‘shape’- you’re missing out on the real value of the work you’re putting in.

And you’re confusing what a body looks like with what it’s capable of.

If you want to know what it’s like to work with a coach who knows the difference, I’ve got spots open for one on one coaching....

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Break it down to put it together.


I love a good full body, no-muscle-left-untouched kinda exercise.

I came up with this one for a client who loves her some TRX.  And who has worked with me for a LONG time- so I know it's appropriate for where she's at today.

But if you look at this and wonder what's even happening?  Think of it in terms of each part and break it down.

An exercise will only meet your needs if you're able to perform it without compensating.

So start with the first piece- which is a hip mobility exercise- the kneeling hip hinge.  From there, it's a get up.  Then it's a TRX plank, then it's a Tricep Extension.  

Work where you're at, and only add on when you feel confident and strong in the pieces you're confident in.


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You should try this move.


I love all variations of crawling, rolling- any movement that allows you to be connected to the ground. 

Your skin is your largest sensory organ. So when you use these types of movements, you not only develop your sense of where your body is in space (proprioception), but also full body coordination and strength.

And since the two sides of your brain have to work together when your moving on the ground with your hands and feet, you're building and strengthening neural connections.

Mind body connection at it's finest.

Here is one version of grounded locomotion.  If you work with me, you will have experience with MANY variations of this kind of movement :-).

This video gives you 3 different options, depending on what you need and where you're at.  Take what works for you.

How to:

TAP OUTS, KNEES UP OR DOWN (version 1 and 2): If you start with knees down, create a straight line from the top of your head to your tailbone, glutes and core engaged, wrists under shoulders....

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