Is it 'fun', or is it harmful?

To be clear, I absolutely took part in and promoted these type of workouts at the beginning of my career as a coach.

It was heavily modeled at just about every gym I worked at (and anywhere you get your fitness).

And I understand the intention- making fitness fun .

Yet the impact of these workouts- associating fitness as a means to ‘make up for’ food- is more harmful than the workouts are entertaining.

The diet industry LOVES this time of year, and they have a script the follow…

It’s starts off by warning you of the dangers of the holiday season, sells you on meal and workout plans to keep you ‘in check’, and then REALLY dials in come January.

That’s when they capitalize off off of making you feel shitty for enjoying your grandmother’s pie or taking some time off your workouts.

SOME THINGS TO REMEMBER AS YOU SEE SHIT LIKE THIS IN YOUR FEED. Candy references soon to replaced by turkey, mashed potatoes, cobblers, etc...


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You should try this move.


I love all variations of crawling, rolling- any movement that allows you to be connected to the ground. 

Your skin is your largest sensory organ. So when you use these types of movements, you not only develop your sense of where your body is in space (proprioception), but also full body coordination and strength.

And since the two sides of your brain have to work together when your moving on the ground with your hands and feet, you're building and strengthening neural connections.

Mind body connection at it's finest.

Here is one version of grounded locomotion.  If you work with me, you will have experience with MANY variations of this kind of movement :-).

This video gives you 3 different options, depending on what you need and where you're at.  Take what works for you.

How to:

TAP OUTS, KNEES UP OR DOWN (version 1 and 2): If you start with knees down, create a straight line from the top of your head to your tailbone, glutes and core engaged, wrists under shoulders....

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