Jumping is for more than burning calories...

My group members have been working on building POWER and BALANCE for our current training block.

Up til now, we’ve mostly worked on each component separately, but this month we’re combining them.

Because that’s what progressive training looks like around here (if you’ve been here long enough, you know we break it down before we put it together) .

Jumping and plyometrics are typically programed as the cardio portion of a HIIT style or aerobic endurance type of workout- which is great- but there are benefits to slowing it down.

Any type of jump is itself a balance exercise.  One that forces you to generate power, stabilize, and then absorb the deceleration.

Jumping also creates stronger joints and ligaments while developing your vestibular system, that inner ear mechanism that’s responsible for our sense of where we are in space (like being able to walk without looking at our feet).

Knowing what exercises to do- and WHY you’re doing them-...

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