All the details about going Barefoot or Minimalist shoe training.

Did you know feet have over 100 tendons, muscles and ligaments, and over 7,000 nerves?


Most sneakers out there have a bunch of padding, a heel lift, arch support, or all three. When we wear them all day every day, our body realizes that it doesn’t need the muscles that strengthen the arch, so they begin to atrophy. Even a tiny lift in our shoes can decrease the ability of the ankle to raise the foot towards the shin (dorsiflexion). And having so much cushion takes away from your body’s awareness in space, your sense of balance.


Any imbalances in your feet climb right up the kinetic chain, affecting all the ways you move. You know that saying ‘you’re only as strong as your link?’


Thinking about making the switch to either barefoot or minimalist shoes? Here’s some ways...


1. TRANSITION SLOWLY- like 6+ months. Start with your current shoe, and then look for one with a thinner sole, a wider toe box and a sole you can easily...

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Let's talk about minimalist shoes and hiking...


You might know by now that I love a good barefoot training session…

But what about other activities?

Your feet have more nerve endings per square centimeter than any other part of your body.

They constantly supply our brains with information about the surface below our feet, and in turn our brain sends back info on how to navigate it.

The more experience you have connected to the ground, the move info you have and the bigger potential to improve how you move overall.

No, going minimalist isn’t for everyone. Especially if you’re working through acute pain.

But a long, gradual switch from most stable to less stable shoes can do a lot- to not only improve how you move, but prevent pain from your feet to your whole body.

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