Looking at goals in a different way.

fitness tip goal setting Nov 06, 2022

My goal this week is to read 30 pages of my non fiction book.

(I can crush one fiction book a week or so- I read before bed nightly- but non fiction makes my brain work too hard at that hour).

Do I want to read the whole book?

Of course.

But I know that setting smaller, attainable goals- in an attempt to reach a bigger one- will not only give me confidence that I can do it, but will physically takes me one step closer.


See how that works?


There are usually a TON of other goals we could set that would make the big one a reality, but we get so focused on the end result, that the little steps get lost- and the dream becomes something that’s unattainable, that feels too out of reach.

Leaving us frustrated and disappointed.

I see this a TON in movement.

People come in with big goals of being able to do THE THING, only to get frustrated when they struggle.

They don’t focus on the things to do before THE THING.

The movements that CAN be achieved right now, that...

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