How to pick the right size Kettlebell.

If you’re ready to start training with kettlebells, but don’t know where to start, There are a ton of general guidelines and suggestions out there to guide you.  For me, there are three things that are more important than others when choosing the right KB size for you. 

In this article,I’m going to break down those 3 concerns down. 

And I’ll discuss my thoughts on choosing the type of kettlebell that is most comfortable for you.

 Let’s get right to it; keep these suggestions below in mind when reading the weight recommendation range chart at the end of the article.

Top Three Kettlebell buying considerations.


What's your T level? 

There are muscle mass differences in humans with more testosterone than those with less that will dictate a difference in starting weight. 

 When you see weight recommendations for men, it’s reflective of those higher testosterone levels which create more muscle mass. ...

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