Weight loss isn't a behavior, it's an outcome.

An outcome that can happen for a million different reasons.

Some of the most common ones?





-Autoimmune Disorders

-Undernourishment (purposeful or not)


Less common reasons for weight loss:

-Seeing a therapist

-Increasing your vegetable intake

-Exercising more

-Getting more sleep

Healing your disordered eating


Research has continually proven there is no safe, sustainable way to lose weight.  And those that DO lose weight intentionally, 80% plus will regain that weight and more within 2 years.

And that lose/gain cycle is more harmful to a person’s health- everything from an increase in heart disease to a higher mortality rate overall- than just staying the same weight.

If you're privileged enough to do so, you can change your habits to improve your health- like the ones listed above.

But weight loss?

Not a healthy habit you can create.

And more often than not, it's an outcome you have no control over.


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