The racist roots of the diet industry.

There's a history behind how you feel about your body shape and size.

I’m white, thin, non disabled, & cis gender- and those are just a few of the many privileges I have that must be acknowledged to be an effective coach who works with humans.  Period.

And I continue to learn from people of color with lived experiences and knowledge in this field- and you should too.

So here’s just a quick synopsis of why I coach the way I do, and a list of resources at the bottom.  The more education you have, the easier it is to see how racism and fitness are linked to each other ...

Why do we idealize thinness?

A big part of it stems from the 1800’s, when white European men felt they needed to create a bullshit evolutionary hierarchy to place themselves at the top. So they ranked people according to physical traits and catalogued them to fit their narrative.

These men decided that fatness was a sign of ‘savagery’- only because it was a trait they were seeing...

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