Sometimes you SHOULD miss a Monday.

When working out DOESN’T help you de stress….

This post comes from a shit ton of personal experience, as well as a common topic of conversation with the lovely humans I get to work with everyday 💕

Obvious reasons you shouldn’t push it:

❌ it hurts to do it (remembering that uncomfortable is a different feeling)

❌ you’ve never done anything like it before

❌you haven’t done any movement like it in months

Less obvious reasons you shouldn’t push it:

❌ you’re emotionally drained from that thing you’ve been stressing over/that challenging relationship you’re dealing with/ that work situation you can’t figure out

❌you’re physically drained from that thing you’ve been stressing over/that challenging relationship you’re dealing with/ that work situation you can’t figure out

Exercise itself is a stressor that raises your stress hormone cortisol-which isn’t always a negative. Raised cortisol from exercise can actually work to balance out these levels out.

EXCEPT when you’re already under a lot of stress…

Then it can work to keep your cortisol levels elevated, and that isn’t a good thing.

When we talk about physical health and fitness, we can’t do it without ALSO talking about our mental health.

NOT challenging yourself is sometimes the best choice 💕


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