The Mental Health Benefits of Training


I rely HEAVILY on routines to manage my anxiety- and that includes following a predictable strength program that allows me to see progress with consistency.

We don’t talk enough about the ways in which training benefits those of us who deal with anxiety and depression.

Following a routine of movement alone promotes everything from better sleep to improved feelings of well being (and we all know what sleep deprivation does for our mental state ).

Following a training program?

Besides all the things I listed above, it’s lovely to have one less thing to think through, to have to decide what’s next.

Because every decision you have to make will add some amount of stress to your life (and all those tiny decisions ADD UP to people who deal with anxiety).

And that familiarity that comes with knowing your routine? It’s pretty damn soothing if you ask me.

The longer you stick with a program, the more dialed in you become to what’s being asked of your body, the easier it...

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Sometimes you SHOULD miss a Monday.

When working out DOESN’T help you de stress….

This post comes from a shit ton of personal experience, as well as a common topic of conversation with the lovely humans I get to work with everyday

Obvious reasons you shouldn’t push it:

it hurts to do it (remembering that uncomfortable is a different feeling)

you’ve never done anything like it before

you haven’t done any movement like it in months

Less obvious reasons you shouldn’t push it:

you’re emotionally drained from that thing you’ve been stressing over/that challenging relationship you’re dealing with/ that work situation you can’t figure out

you’re physically drained from that thing you’ve been stressing over/that challenging relationship you’re dealing with/ that work situation you can’t figure out

Exercise itself is a stressor that raises your stress hormone cortisol-which isn’t always a negative. Raised cortisol from exercise can actually...

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