Rest isn't just about self care.

Building muscles requires resistance to them- whether you do that by swinging kettlebells or running or bodyweight exercises. This resistance causes tiny tears in your muscle tissue. You’re muscles get stronger and bigger when the rebuilding of them happens. And that only occurs when you let them rest!

There’s also the whole mental aspect of working out without enough rest.

It can be really difficult to bring your ‘A’ game day in and day out. Eventually it’ll catch up with you, and you’ll show up to your workout tired and disengaged, and that’s when your form goes to shit and you get hurt .


You have trouble sleeping- getting up and/or falling asleep
You’re super irritable
You find it harder to concentrate or focus on your everyday tasks
You feel unmotivated for many days/weeks in a row- you can’t get out of it
You’re always sore (although if you’re a beginner this is kinda true-...

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Sometimes you SHOULD miss a Monday.

When working out DOESN’T help you de stress….

This post comes from a shit ton of personal experience, as well as a common topic of conversation with the lovely humans I get to work with everyday

Obvious reasons you shouldn’t push it:

it hurts to do it (remembering that uncomfortable is a different feeling)

you’ve never done anything like it before

you haven’t done any movement like it in months

Less obvious reasons you shouldn’t push it:

you’re emotionally drained from that thing you’ve been stressing over/that challenging relationship you’re dealing with/ that work situation you can’t figure out

you’re physically drained from that thing you’ve been stressing over/that challenging relationship you’re dealing with/ that work situation you can’t figure out

Exercise itself is a stressor that raises your stress hormone cortisol-which isn’t always a negative. Raised cortisol from exercise can actually...

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