Strengthen Your Glutes and Hamstrings with a Mini Band


There are plenty of ways to get strong glutes and hamstrings.

You can hit them by using Hip Dominant exercises, like Deadlifts and Kettlebell Swings.

 And you can also strengthen them with KNEE Dominant exercises, like this move right here: 

Mini Band Donkey Kicks/Donkey Kick with Leg Extension

All you need is a small band.


DONKEY KICK: Begin with wrists under shoulders, knees under hips, a band placed around the middle of your foot. Keeping a stable spine, bend your knee, flex your foot, and raise your leg so it's even with our hip- squeeze your glute here.

Progress to this one... 

WITH LEG EXTENSION: Once you get to the top position, extend your leg, and re-engage your glute before re-bending and lowering.

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